Wednesday, November 05, 2014


(a)       Logging – To cut trees for logs.
(b)      Mining – It is an activity of removing solid valuables from earth.
(c)       Cattle ranching- It is an activity of raising cattle on a large plot of land.
(d)      Soil erosion- The removal of the top layer of the earth by water, wind or ice is known a soil erosion.
(e)      Silting- Deposition of fine sand or mud by running water.
(f)         Extinction- Extinction are animals which are no longer living eg. Dodo, , Golden Frog etc.
(g)       Pasture- Land used for grazing animals.
(h)      Cropland- Land used for growing crops.
(i)           Plantation- Plantation is an area/land where trees are planted for commercial purposes.
(j)          Preservation- Keep in its original or existing state.
(k)       Grazing- To eat grass from a pastureland.
(l)           Ranch- It is a large plot of land used for ranching cattle, sheep or other live stock.
(m)          Live stock- Live stock are farm animals which are domesticated for cultivation.

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